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Welcome to BDCashOut Bangladesh. This website just for freelancer, affiliate marketer, cpa marketer, internet advertiser & online income related members.
Dollar buy sell is not allowed in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh bank says “Foreign currency can be purchased or sold only through dealers or money changers authorized by Bangladesh Bank. So dollar buy sell by a person is illegal and punishable crime. We are just help our online worker to convert their small amount of dollar which is not possible to exchange or sell BDT. Their is so many people of our country whos are earn very poor amount in month. But as a poor freelance and outsource its really impossible to buy sell dollar through Dealer and Money exchanges authorized by Bangladesh Bank. Bank don’t allow low amount and requires high fees. So we are the site just help them to sell their dollar and take BDT instant.
You can trust us 100% to convert your currency to other currency or USD to BDT.